The overarching story for this week was that I was sick for most of it. I wasn’t terribly sick, but it was enough to throw me off of my normal routing. I am feeling fully better as of today, so I hope that next week I will be able to return to my old routine.
Sunday was pretty awesome. We had branch conference which meant that we were able to listen to our district presidency teach which is always a pleasure. I also got to talk to the students that stay in Changzhou. I have seen them at church, but up until now I have never had a chance to get to know them. I guess that is the blessing of having most of the ward gone, it makes you talk to new people.
Most of the church meetings I spent translating for one our members. He is actually a Chinese national, but his step-father is an American so he attends meetings with us. Translating was a lot of fun, something that I really have not had a chance to do since my mission. I am not nearly as good at it as I would like, but that is true of all of Chinese. I also got to help him bless the sacrament for his first time, he was just made a priest last week. My favorite part was helping him translate as he bore his testimony. His testimony is simple but also very sweet.
I also enjoyed attending branch council. I don’t really know why President Yu wants the ward bulletin specialist to attend, but oh well. This time we had instruction by the district presidency on how to have better branch councils. It helped me better understand the purpose of this particular meeting and I loved it.
Monday was the day that I fell sick. When I woke up I had stomach cramps. Luckily my 8 AM class had been canceled so I was able to sleep in a little. I decided that even though my stomach hurt I would still go to class, as I was hoping they would just go away. Bad decision #1. Bad decision #2 was wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt outside. I didn’t realize it until I started walking but the temperature outside had dropped about 20 degrees from last week. Bad decision #3, I felt I didn’t have time to run back upstairs and get a jacket so I just roughed it on the way to class.
My first class wasn’t really all that bad and I was able to make it to lunch without much problem. The pain was pretty bad, but I also have a pretty good pain threshold. Lunch was fun because I got to talk to some people from the US which is always good. Unfortunately the second class was not as nice to me. The pain just kept getting work.
After class I returned immediately to home, but by this time I was already running a fever. It didn’t take very long before it was a pretty nasty fever too. About all I could do was lay down in bed, as even sitting up maybe me feel in a lot of pain. I was like this for about five or so hours, and then luckily my fever broke at 9 PM. I really feel that this was a blessing from the Lord. I was by no means fully better, but it made it so that I could get through the rest of the day.
The next day I woke up feeling a lot better, but I realized that eating gave me more stomach cramps so really not that fun. Much much better. Because I was sick I had to reschedule all of my tutoring to happen at home. Most of Tuesday and Wednesday were spent at home resting up. I was still able to go to my classes, but that is all I did. It wasn’t that I was feeling too terrible, but rather I knew that without the rest I wouldn’t be able to get any better.
Because I was sick I took the time to watch stuff both for my media class and also for my personal pleasure. For media I watched some Chinese sitcoms. They are actually a lot of fun. I think I will try to buy some before I am done in China and watch them. I also got to watch the “Blind Side” for the first time. I must say that this is just an amazing movie. I was most impressed by the actions of the mother, I wondered if I would do as she did and accept someone that needed help into my house. She really was practicing pure religion at that point, and I love the example that she left for me.
Thursday was also a pretty mellow, but there was a really cool music performance night by the flagship students. We had Trevor who sang a Chinese song for us, Cooper and his roommate with a sweet violin number, Abraham and Wenbo who got everyone to sing some Chinese songs, and then the main performance by LCD. LCD is a band that is composed of three flagship students from BYU. It was a lot of fun to listen to them play. They had an interesting mix of Chinese and English songs, and even through in a Spanish song. It was a lot of fun and really spiced up my day.
Friday I went to go pick up my package from the post office. Because I had an iPod shipped to me I had to pay a 200 yuan tax. I was a little surprised that I would be taxed for a packaged marked gift, but there isn’t much I could do about it either. Finding the post office was an experience, and once inside their finding the customs office was another experience. The post office looked like a war zone, inside the building was empty, and I just had to wander around until I saw a door marked for customs. A little eerie if you ask me.
The package had deodorant and gel, which is perfect since I had just ran out of both of them. It also had hand sanitizer which I foolishly didn’t bring with me. Hopefully the improved cleanliness at meal time can help me not get sick again. I also got the cable that allowed me to hook my computer up to my TV. It is so nice having this cable! Now I can watch stuff from my computer in glorious HD and I just love it. I was also happy to also get a nice set of headphones to replace the pair I left on the plane. I guess Jason finally won me over, I have to have nice sound when I listen to things now :)
The most important thing in the package was my new iPod Touch. I am planning to sell my old one to another one of my classmates, so I thought it was about time to upgrade to this one. Probably the biggest reason I am upgrading is for the camera. I have hated not having a solution to take quick photos when I have not brought my camera. Hopefully now I can take more interesting pictures for all of you to see. It is also really nice. Other then the camera there is no one thing that just makes it a must have, but everything is just a little nicer which is really great. I know that I will not regret buying it.
On Friday I also got to go karaoking again. This time I went with Trevor, our roommates, and some of my roommates lab mates. It was quite the experience to go with a bunch of Chinese people. They get a lot more into it then we do, and I also enjoyed the opportunity to learn some new Chinese songs.
Saturday was spent with Homework and playing with my new iTouch. Like I put on my Facebook status, we boys get new toys and turn right back into a four year old. It is true and funny. At night I also went over to the Miller’s for a Halloween party. Only the Kings where dressed up, but there costume was of Aaron as a zombie chained to his wife who was dressed up as a chain ball. It was really funny. I also got to eat worms in mud which made my day. The brownies were also surprisingly good. I didn’t dare eat too many sweet things so as not to upset my stomach which was finally returning to normal.
So that was my week. A little bit empty because I spent so much of it resting to make sure I didn’t get sick again. Below are some pictures from the week that I enjoyed:
This is a picture of by washing machine brimming with soap suds. I was washing some hand towels and put in a load and a half's worth of detergent. I walked in and thought that it was hilarious.
This is a picture of a Menu. At first glimpse you can tell that it says menu, but look a little clearer. What are those last two letters, especially that very last one. Oh Chinese people
Those of you that speak Chinese will realize why this is so funny :) It doesn’t translate well or I would translate it.
Fun pictures, hopefully I will have more of this type as I take more pictures with the new touch.
As for scripture study I spent the first half of the week studying about faith, especially the longer lasting type of faith. As I was studying I remembered that my friend Cami had said she really enjoyed Elder Scott’s talk in conference and remembering it was about faith I went and reread it.
I love how this talk address how faith, character, and obedience are all tied together. We have long term faith because day by day we have short term faith. We don’t dwell on the future, but rather everyday we trust that the Lord will give us what we want and as such are obedient to the commandments to stay worthy to receive the blessing that the Lord has promised us. Also as time goes on the Lord continues to confirm to us that our blessings will be given to us. In this way not only are we able to endure and gain the promised blessing, but our faith is strengthened, and not only our faith but our character as well.
I really loved this aspect of faith that Elder Scott talked about. I can now see how I will build the character of faith that I want to build while in China. It is built as every day I have faith that the Lord will fulfill the blessings he has promised me. Because any given day I know that the Lord will give me the blessings I seek some other day, so that day I am obedient to the commandments of the Lord. Because I am obedient I will get confirmation that I will receive the blessing in the future, and as such my faith is increased. Thus day by day I have faith, and day by day I am also able to increase my faith. Ultimately I receive the blessing I have struggled for, and what's more I have also become a person of greater faith an obedience as I have struggled for the blessing.
I love looking at it this way as it reduces the future into something that I can act on now. Now is something that I can handle and evaluate.
The second half of the week was spent with me studying how to eventually be the husband that I should be. This came up as I just happened to read a bunch of articles and talks on the subject. It also hit home as I saw that another friend’s marriage seems to be headed for divorce. It hits me really hard every time one of my friend’s marriages hit this stage, it hasn’t happened much, but the few times have all come as a slap in my face. These are people I know, who essentially are good people, and it makes me wonder how I can prepare myself now so I won’t run into these problems.
Of course the answers are as simple as they should be. They involve losing ones self, to remove selfishness, and putting the interests of another as your primary concern. It involves never speaking an unkind word. It involves always praising and showing love daily to who ever your spouse is. It involves service. It is putting the Lord as the center of your marriage.
It is all the things that have been taught to us since we are small, yet it is these small and simple things that become a stumbling block. I can only imagine that they get lost in the press of every day. Instead of taking everyday as a chance to love and uplift your spouse, it becomes just another day in the overall scheme of life. How then do we do as the prophets have instructed and make sure that showing forth love is something that we clearly do every day?
Once again the answer goes back to Elder Scott’s talk. It depends on forming habits by doing what we want our habit to be now. If I want to be a husband that will daily find a way to tell my wife I love her, I must now be a friend that daily tells my friends and family how much I love them. If I want to be the husband that doesn’t allow himself to become angry with his wife, I must now daily choose not to be angry. I most now choose not to bicker. All the things that I want I must choose to start doing now. It won’t be easy now, but as I choose to do these things everyday I will become a person who does these things. Thus when it would be easy to forget and not live up to my full potential I will already have the habits and character that will drive me to still be the husband that I should be.
Well, those are my thoughts this week. I hope that all of you had a wonderful Halloween party. If any of you had great costumes you should tell me about them in the comments, or send me some pictures. I wish that I had been able to have Halloween with all of you and with you the best.
P.S. I just realized that once again I wrote a veritable book for my blog post. Sorry =/ Anyone that wants a shorter blog entry can give me suggestions on what to cut.