Sunday, June 16, 2013

New blog!

Friends and family,

Emily and I have setup a new blog for following our adventures together. Keep track of us at


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Finishing up April

So, I am really behind on blogging, I know! That is what happens when you get married, go to Hawaii, hike the Grand Canyon, and start an internship at Google, all within the space of a month! I’m going to try and get caught up as soon as possible though, and so I’ll be writing about at least two weeks every week until I get caught up.

So, in the third week of April we were smack dab in the middle of wedding planning. We were trying to figure out how much everything would cost, what would happen when. It was all a little crazy. Both of us were really ready to just be married and have all of this finished.

We had a little break in the week when we went to our ward’s closing social. It was a really great affair with a lot of food! It was at our Bishop’s house. He has this crazy large house, with its own downstairs basketball court and workout room. That is where we were, eating, watching ward videos, and there was a dance. Truth be told Emily and I ditched before the dance, but the event still helped us stay sane during that week.

We were also busy planning for our Utah reception. That event was being taken on solely by Emily and I, without any help from parents. Luckily we had the help of Robin Smilanich (my cousin’s wife’s mom). She was just the best. Without her I am not sure what we would have done. She helped us figure out just what we needed, and also helped us from making any significant mistakes.

Somehow while all this was going on we also managed to finish finals, move out of our apartments and get Emily home to Gig Harbor. Really, it is kind of a miracle that it all worked out. I still can hardly believe it. Still we got it all finished.

And that brings us to the week of the wedding, which you’ll have to wait until the next post to see. Luckily it will come with pictures, so hopefully you will like it a little more!