Monday, February 6, 2012

北京杂技 (Beijing Acrobats)

In general not too much happened this week. It was a nice and quite week. Unfortunately it was also a crazy expensive week as I had to visit the dentist, get my car insured, get it registered, etc… You name it and I probably had to do it this week.


Friday and Saturday were fun though. Friday I went to watch the Beijing acrobats with Emily. They were really amazing. It is crazy what some people can do with their bodies. My favorite number was probably the lion dance. Even though I knew there were people under the costumes it was so easy to forget because of how convincing the performers made everything. It really was amazing.

Saturday was also a good day. Me and Emily went out to Carrabba’s for dinner. We got their chicken pizza. It was so good, though I must admit that I think I like the bread the most of all. I could probably eat that bread until I died. After dinner we went to my uncle’s house where we watched Mulan and made cake balls. The cake balls turned out pretty well, but not quite as good as the ones I made last time. I am still getting everything figured out with them.


And that simply is what happened this week. All the little moments this week were wonderful :) , but nothing really large happened that I could report. I do finally have the pictures of the cheesecake I made for Emily’s birthday, so those will have to sate everyone for this week.


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