Sunday, September 25, 2011

Orlando Conference

The biggest event in the last two weeks was the (ISC)2 conference I attended in Orlando this week.  Pretty much all of the week before led up to it.  I worked like crazy to do my homework, and I still didn’t get nearly as much as I was expecting done.  It really has been rather crazy.  I did manage to get caught up, all in time for a terrible game that I will not mention again…

We had to wake up at 4AM to go to the conference.  When we got our tickets I saw the worst sight possible.  The security line was wrapped all the way around the baggage caracals and back.  Even though they were moving people through at the fastest rate I had ever seen them move people at we still ended missing our flight. 

Luckily we got re-routed, unluckily that involved first going to LA to catch a plane to Orlando.  It meant that we spent eight hours on a plane.  Not as bad as going to China, but still not the most fun ever.

Well eventually we got there, and then just went home and rested.  We were bushed.  Because of the re-route we didn’t even get to attend any of Monday’s part of the conference.  So instead we went on Tuesday.  The sessions were only so-so interesting, but I really enjoyed the networking luncheon.  It was great to talk about the projects I was working on and see real interest for people.  It is nice to know that people care about usable security.

The most exciting part of the conference was a awards Gala Wednesday night.  Really good food, and even better networking.  The guy from MITRE was falling over trying to give me and my team-mates internships.  It was actually pretty awesome.  It was great to be recognized for our victory as well.

After all that we headed home, and once again I pounded the books.  I am mostly caught up but not quite there yet.  Luckily I was able to see BYU win another football game, which is exactly what my soul need Smile.

Well, that is all for now.  I will let you know how next week goes, and if I manage to survive my 19 credits hours of homework I missed for a week Smile.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How can I be so busy…

I thought being a graduate student would mean that I just had oodles of time.  It probably would mean that except that I have decided to start learning Russian.  Not only did I pick a hard language, I picked one that I have absolutely no experience with.  That means I have a about 15 less hours a week of time because of the language.  It is hard to keep doing it, but I do enjoy it, and I plan to stick with it.  As long as I can get my other work done that is.


So, I must say getting home teaching setup is killer.  I spent about seven hours on Sunday getting everything setup, printed, and handed out.  It may have taken forever, but it is most certainly worth it, as now everyone knows who their home teacher is.  It is good, and I am glad that it can all be done, and not linger on any longer.


So interesting things this week… Well I did setup a mini computer lab inside of my lab, for use by the penetration testing students that would come.  I also got the chance to start playing on an intramural team.  This is my first time being on such a team.  I think that it will turn out to be a lot of fun, so I am actually pretty excited to be able to participate.  We did lose our first game, but I think we have real potential.

The sad thing of the week was BYU losing.  It was fun at first since I was with friends, and while not looking too amazing, BYU was still doing well enough.  Unfortunately in the second half Texas was really able to take advantage of the wholes in our team.  I was so sad that we lost, but that is how the cookie crumbles.


As for me, I am currently running around like crazy trying to get ready for the Conference I am attending in Orlando next week.  I need to talk to my teachers and figure out what to do with my homework during that time.  Hopefully it all works out without killing me.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Start of school

Sorry I didn’t write again, it just seems like life has been taking me for a run lately.  Monday and Tuesday of two weeks ago was spent finishing up the paper our lab was writing.  It is really hard writing papers for publication.  It is crazy for me to think that we put in so much work, and it most likely will still get rejected.  I have enjoyed writing though, and I do feel that we ended with a good paper.

After finishing the paper I started reading like crazy.  I finished three books in just two days.  Mostly I have been reading Brandon Sanderson’s stuff.  I must admit that I am really impressed with him.  He is a really good writer.  I have enjoyed reading all of his stuff.

On Wednesday I was able to move back into the FLSR.  It is good to be back at home.  I am excited for the coming semester.  Things have started off a little rocky though.  Our RF thought that dinner need to be two hours.  It was a little much.  It took us the whole week before we were able to get the matter cleared up.  Now it is taken care of, and I am sure things will be fine.

During that time though I have started to take Russian class.  I have really enjoyed it, and I am trying to see if I couldn’t move into the Russian house.  It would be crazy hard at first, but in the end it would really pay off.  I will have to email the language coordinator and see what they say.


The craziest time was this weekend.  On Friday was my grandma’s birthday.  It was great to see her, and wish her happy eightieth.  She is doing well.  I was also glad that I could see my family.  Saturday was Kashe’s sealing to my sister.  I was glad that I could be in the temple for this sealing.  I feel so blessed to have the gospel in my family, and the binding it brings to families.

After the sealing I went to Crystal’s hose for the game.  It was fun to watch it with family, but the game was so stressful.  I am glad that in the end BYU won, but they had me really worried for a while. 

Sunday was the blessing, and that was wonderful.  Bart had to talk really loud since the mic wasn’t working, but it was a good blessing.  I then helped take care of Kashe for the rest of the meeting.  I must say Crystal is amazing to keep both of her rascals happy through all of church.  After that I came home and taught Elder’s quorum.  They are an awesome group of men, and I am excited for the semester with them.


So that is how things have been with me.  Busy with school mainly, but still enjoying life.