The biggest event in the last two weeks was the (ISC)2 conference I attended in Orlando this week. Pretty much all of the week before led up to it. I worked like crazy to do my homework, and I still didn’t get nearly as much as I was expecting done. It really has been rather crazy. I did manage to get caught up, all in time for a terrible game that I will not mention again…
We had to wake up at 4AM to go to the conference. When we got our tickets I saw the worst sight possible. The security line was wrapped all the way around the baggage caracals and back. Even though they were moving people through at the fastest rate I had ever seen them move people at we still ended missing our flight.
Luckily we got re-routed, unluckily that involved first going to LA to catch a plane to Orlando. It meant that we spent eight hours on a plane. Not as bad as going to China, but still not the most fun ever.
Well eventually we got there, and then just went home and rested. We were bushed. Because of the re-route we didn’t even get to attend any of Monday’s part of the conference. So instead we went on Tuesday. The sessions were only so-so interesting, but I really enjoyed the networking luncheon. It was great to talk about the projects I was working on and see real interest for people. It is nice to know that people care about usable security.
The most exciting part of the conference was a awards Gala Wednesday night. Really good food, and even better networking. The guy from MITRE was falling over trying to give me and my team-mates internships. It was actually pretty awesome. It was great to be recognized for our victory as well.
After all that we headed home, and once again I pounded the books. I am mostly caught up but not quite there yet. Luckily I was able to see BYU win another football game, which is exactly what my soul need .
Well, that is all for now. I will let you know how next week goes, and if I manage to survive my 19 credits hours of homework I missed for a week .