Monday, March 26, 2012

A magical week

This has been a fun week. And there are even pictures this time! Isn’t that crazy!!!

Scholastically things have been going really well. The topics for my thesis are really coming together well. I started in one area, and now I am in a completely different area. The cool thing is that processes means there might be 3 or 4 papers I could right in the area. Heck, I could almost turn this into a dissertation. I still have a lot of work to do, but I am glad that it is heading in the right direction.

The real fun happened on the weekend. Friday Emily and I went and made sack lunches for the poor. It was a lot of fun. We even optimized the system. It was great! The rest of the night was spent study so that we wouldn’t have homework the next day.


The next day, Saturday, started with me going to a service project. We were helping an old widow get her yard cleaned up so that she could sell the house. It was a lot of fun and a lot of good work. There was still a lot to do when we were finished, but we were certainly moving in the right direction. After that we went for a BBQ and it was wonderful!



After the service project I hurried home because Emily and I were going to the festival of colors.The dirctions we had were wrong though, so we missed the 3 o’clock throwing. We went in anyways and just had a blast. I managed to get it in my eyes and in my nose, but still I enjoyed. Probably mostly because it was with Emily. She took special pleasure in throwing handfuls of colors me. :) It was great. We even ended the day wearing trash bag sheik. I must say, we do pull it off.



As you can see it was a lot of fun. After that we went home, and I did nothing for three hours. Well technically I didn’t do nothing, but it was pretty boring. Emily had gone to get ready, because w were going to the traditions ball that night! She had a beautiful dress, and had done up her hair (with no less than 47 bobby pins in her hair! A a bottle of hair spray!)

It was so much fun. We both got dressed up (Emily more so than I.) It was just such a classy and fun date that night. There was dancing, there was picture taking, there was just wandering around and talking. It was so much fun.



It was just a magical night with a magical girl.We ended the night by going and looking at stars together. How perfect! And that was my magical adventure for the week!

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