Monday, April 11, 2011

A productive week

So, I didn’t mention it last time, but one of my favorite things about conference Sunday, was the DDR tournament my family did afterwards.  Okay, maybe calling it a tournament is a little much, but it was fun to watch my family play DDR together.  It was really awesome.


As for this week, I have been crazy busy.  I was actually able to stay focused at work.  As any of my friends now, that is tantamount to the parting of the Red Sea.  It was really what I needed though.  On Monday I finished my write-up for the IEEE publication.  I came home and then also re-boxed all my Wii stuff, sold off a bunch of my video games to Amazon (great idea for Lars to keep the price of buying video games cheap in the long run), and eliminated another large garbage bag of stuff.  It was great!

On Tuesday I finished up my last major school project.  It is good to have this semester wrapping itself up so nicely.  At night I watched Midway to Heaven.  It is one of the best terrible movies I have seen recently :)  What I mean by that is that while from an artistic standpoint it is a terrible movie, but still it was fun to watch.  And besides, my cousins were extras in it!

Wednesday and Thursday I decided to refresh my javascript, so I decided to read a book on it, and I ordered a new book about something called MooTools as well.  We are hopping to rewrite the browser part of our lab projects so that they are actually understandable.  As it is now we look at what has been written and we just rub our heads in confusion.

On Friday I had a wonderful session at the temple.  There were so many missionaries there it was crazy.  They were scrambling left and right to find people that spoke and could help out with the appropriate languages as well.  There was Tongan, Samoan, French, Spanish, Italian, and several other languages all there.  And the session behind me had even more.  It was just so awesome to see missionaries that came from across the world!


On Saturday I took 6 hours of HSK testing.  In the morning I took the level 6 test.  I think I probably got a near perfect score on the listening section.  The reading section was a little harder, but still not bad.  And then I met the writing section, and proceeded to get my teeth kicked in.  My handwritten Chinese is just terrible. 

Later that day I took the level 5 test, and I must say in comparison to the level 6 test it is just a joke.  So for all of my classmates that might have not passed level 6, don’t worry you would pass level 5 in your sleep.  Heck, I am kinda scared to see all of you and see how great your Chinese has gotten, and how far behind mine has fallen… 

Later that night I went out with the boys from the FLSR to the cannon center.  Apparently I said plenty of things to make the little freshman stare.  It was fun.  After that I came home for a birthday party for my cousin-in-law.  All in all a really good day.


Well, that was my week.  I got a lot done, and that more than anything made it great.  I just need to keep this up for the rest of my life and things will be great! ;)

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