Sunday, May 22, 2011

Busy enjoying life! Pt. 2+

Continue from the last post:

Then that brings me to last Sunday, when I should have written this last blog post. I probably could have found time to write my blog, but I think I did do a lot of really good stuff as well. Me and Ben first made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for our home teachess (hint: be my home teachee and get baking goods.) After that we taught the guys, and then me and Sean chilled on the lawn singing hymns together while he strummed them on the guitar.

At night we went to a regional fireside, a fireside for which we were the only BYU ward that went. Our high councilor is cute, and had just happened to hear of this fireside, and so had us crash it :) It was actually really cool. It was a Navajo convert to the church. He told us of his conversion which included the fact of how he had heard the stories that are in the Book of Mormon from his medicine man father long before he had ever even heard of the Book of Mormon. It was really interesting to hear those stories told from in their Navajo story form. It was also a testimony to see such proof that the modern descendants of Lamanites knew of these stories still. It was cool.

That night I was introduced at ward prayer. It was hard to come up with interesting stories, but still it was fun. After that I played some games with people and then headed off to bed.

On Monday I made chicken enchiladas for dinner. It took longer than I wanted, but they actually turned out really well. That night we also played ultimate Frisbee for ward FHE. It was great to get out and play with the ward. It was also great to see that my workouts are most certainly helping my cardio. I was able to keep running the whole time and be a real participant, which was really fun.

Tuesday was a fun little morning. After getting done with swimming me and Ryan went back to my place and made pancakes. We ate them covered in raspberry yogurt and watched economics rap. It was so much fun.

That night I went to a speech club. It was really interesting, really formal, but still really cool. The night did turn a little weird at the end when this guy found out I was in CS. He started telling me all his “great” programs and ideas. He just kept going, even when I would shake his hand and start leaving he would just keep following me and talking to me. It was crazy.

To end the night Sean and I got together a bunch of people and played Apples to Apples. A great way to end the night!

Thursday and Friday were not the best days for work. I ended up only going to work about 2 hours between those two days. On Thursday I slept in till 11 AM, and then spent the rest of the morning installing some custom firmware on my router. Hopefully this will help the router be a little more stable.

That night I also went to the FLSR’s dinner. I have to admit that it is a bit hard for me to enjoy those kind of dances as it is mainly just dancing around. But still I went to support the RAs. Maybe if I knew how to dance Hip Hop it would be a little better, but unfortunately I do not. I was able to actually dance 2 songs, so that was at least good.

Friday was a pretty chill day. In the afternoon I went down to SLC to take my down out for lunch for his birthday. It was good to be able to spend a bit of time with him. At night we celebrated the birthday of my roommate Michael. One of my other roommates, Ben, made a really good banana cake, and then we sang and ate. We finished the night all watching the Bourne Supremacy together. It was really just a good day.


Saturday was the real highlight of the two weeks.  The day was just beautiful, and while I wasn’t raptured, it was still a great day.  As most wonderful days started this also started with time in the temple.  Sean and I then spent our time getting ready for out date that night.  We managed to finish getting all of the food and everything made and packed into the car just in time.

For our date I took out Kate Erekson.  It was a triple date.  We went up to Vivian park, where we had a picnic dinner.  While waiting for the third couple to come we played some Apples to Apples.  We then had a bow tie pasta salad that Sean and I made for dinner.  We also had sun chips and watermelon, very picnicy. 

After that we played some Frisbee, culminating in a game of 500.  It was really fun, even if it did degenerate into cheating to help our dates win each round, but I guess that is what makes things fun :)  After we got worn out from that we played a little Cranium.  Kate and I did a great job as a team, and won pretty handily.  It was a lot of fun.

After the game was over we packed up and headed back to Provo.  In Provo we make some frozen yogurt.  While waiting for it to freeze we played some Rock Band.  We then had yogurt, and just talked for a while.  After that I walked my date home.  Really quite a fun date, and a great way to spend a day in which I wasn’t raptured :)


So that is what I have been up to these last two weeks.  It has kept me really busy, but it has been fun every second.  I am so grateful that I am a grad student, and as such have the time to do all these things.  I truly do feel blessed at this time that I could do graduate school in Utah.

I hope that all of you area also enjoying your time wherever you are.  For all of my friends in China, I have missed seeing you blogs the last couple of days, I hope to see some cool new adventures before you all come home :)

1 comment:

  1. I spent Saturday evening babysitting so Crystal and Bart could go out on a date. I love Koda and Kashe. Koda is a hoot and a half--always on the go. Kashe is such a quiet, patient baby, just like you used to be. He's a mother's joy. I love hearing about all your adventures, so keep it up. Have a great week!
