Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Birthday week

This was a pretty good week culminating in my birthday. The week itself was good, but nothing too crazy. One of the fun things was that I started riding my bike to school. It has been far too long since I’ve done this. It is really nice to be riding on a daily basis again.

On Friday I got to go to a bonfire, first of the summer. It was a lot of fun, roasting hotdogs, marshmallows and starbursts. Emily and I also took the time to walk around and just look at the stars. They were a little hard to see though, since the moon was so bright that night.


And that brings me to my birthday. It started much like any other Saturday. I went shopping, and then I did my laundry. I then got a text from Emily saying that she had made me breakfast. When I got over I saw that she had made me bacon roses! So awesome! It certainly made me smile.


As you can imagine they were very delicious. Yummy! Breakfast was eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, and buttermilk syrup. It was a very, very tasty breakfast.

After breakfast Emily gave me presents, which was stuff to do smores. That should be fun for us :) We then went to my house and caught up on some The Office and Community that we had fallen behind with. It was a lot of fun. We then headed off to dinner. We went to Szechuan garden in Sandy. When we got there no one came to seat us, so we went for a walk. And that is when we found a car with eyelashes! How crazy is that?


Anyways, after our walk we returned to the restaurant and had a good little dinner. We did end up getting too much food. Oh well, leftovers! On the way back home we stopped by my sister Crystal’s house to see my two little nephews. They are so cute :)

When we got home, Emily had invited some friends from the FLSR over, and we had some ice cream cake that Emily had made. It was very yummy and delicious. I can’t believe Emily did so much for my birthday, it was just great!

And that was my week. It was a really good time!

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