Monday, May 21, 2012

Work and other stressful things (not really a great title, you’ll see)

So let’s see, what have I been up to for the last two weeks. Well, for one I made meatballs! I know, it is silly to get excited about that, but nonetheless I am. I have never done it before, and I felt really proud of myself. No more bland pasta for me!

I did have to fix my computer this week, which was sad. Some how in moving I damaged the water cooler. I replaced it with an air cooler that is quitter, but a little bit warmer. Not much though. In fact there load temperatures are very similar. Maybe my next machine will be fully water cooled, but for now I am happy with what I have. It was huge though, and it brings the number of fans in my machine up to 6. It is crazy how cold it still is with that setup.

A scary thing that happened was that I got a letter from the IRS telling me I owed them about $5000. Unfortunately, it looks like the are partially right, I will end up owing them $2100. This all comes because Flagship gave us money as an award and not a scholarship. It seems like Flagship just likes to screw up my life. Sigh… Oh well. There goes any fun plans for the summer, and next year Winking smile

Other than that, most of my time has been spent submitting two different paper and preparing a third paper. It has been busy, I haven’t even had time to really focus on my thesis. Things will quite down in a week or two when these papers are all submitted. I will have to others I will be writing at that point, but at least one will be directly related to my thesis!

Another fun event that happened was Emily and I went to Othello as presented by Utah Shakespeare in the Park. It was really well done, and I was very impressed. Anyone that is in Utah Valley should certainly take the time to see the plays done by Utah Shakespeare in the Park. They do an amazing job.

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