Monday, January 21, 2013


This week has been a pretty good week! It all started with a great Sunday. Emily and I went to one of her friend’s mission farewells. That night we also got to go hear President Uchtdorf speak at the CES broadcast. It was a really good talk. After the talk we visited with Serena from the FLSR and then went back home and had some friends over for food and games. It was a great Sunday!

The week was good, but it sure was cold. On Monday morning after swimming my swimming suit froze solid between my car and my house. It was just crazy! It was also really fun at the gym this week because Emily came with me Wednesday and Thursday. It was really fun and also motivated me to work better. Hopefully we will be able to keep going together, but it depends on whether she can get a well price monthly plan or not.

On Friday Emily and I went and saw The Phantom of the Opera. It was really fun. The actors did well. At the end of the performance the actor that played the phantom proposed to his girlfriend. It was really cute.

On Saturday Emily threw a birthday party for herself. It was great, she got to see so many of her friends. I kept myself busy in the kitchen keeping everyone fed, but that was wonderful since it let Emily focus on enjoying herself.

So, overall a great week!

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