Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Office!

Well MS Move did a good job moving me to my new office. I must say I love having my own office. It is really nice and spacious. I will take pictures this next week and then show them to everyone. I really like it though. I have two white boards all to my self, I think this must be what heaven is like :)

The week was also really productive. I am finally caught back up to where I was after I started rewriting my code. It was an interesting process but it is done. Now I am stuck at trying to install new software. Installing software is really a pain in the butt.

Other than a new office this week has been pretty standard. I had my mid-point evaluation, but that was all good, so, nothing much to report in that area. This weekend I did go to a BYU intern event. We all went to the arcade. I guess I am starting to grow up, because the arcade wasn't that interesting to me :( Oh, the good old days of being eight, how I miss them. Hopefully I will have something a little more interesting next week. I will be going to the regional YSA event next weekend.

Until then, I hope you are all having a wonderful summer.

1 comment:

  1. Whiteboards a sign of heaven? Maybe you've arrived if you get two all to yourself.
