Sunday, June 7, 2009

Life goes on.

Well, not much happened this week. I did play tennis everyday of the week which was a lot fun. I really need to practice a lot more, or Chris will kill me when he gets home :)

Work is going really well. My project got an upgrade from prototype to feature in office 15 (i.e. Office 2012/2013). So it will be a long ways off before anyone gets to use what I am doing, but it will be a feature that is eventually shipped. I gave my first presentation on it at the developer all-hands meeting for my team. It got very good responses. I am really happy with the progress it is making.

And of course, since it was doing so well, I decided to re-write it from scratch =p. As all of you that know my coding style understand, re-writing is my favorite approach :) Hopefully this time I will get it right so I can pass it off. I already know who my replacement is. He will be starting work in 4 weeks. I will be responsible for training him and getting him up to speed.

Well, other than work and tennis nothing really happened. I hope you are all enjoying great weather like I am. Best of wishes.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you doing what you're good at. You did it in the mission field, too. By the way, how is that financial program faring? Tennis--you will have to practice a lot. Chris isn't about to let you or his cousins beat him.
